

Publication: Regulatory Innovations: Unpacking the Nigerian Communications Commission (Quality of Service) Regulations, 2024 and Quality of Service Business Rules, 2024

The Nigerian Communications Commission has taken a significant step towards enhancing the quality of telecommunications services in Nigeria, by enacting the Nigerian Communications (Quality of Service) Regulations, 2024, and the Quality of Service Business Rules, 2024. The new legislations are designed to ensure that service providers deliver reliable, efficient, and consumer-focused communication services by establishing key performance indicators and standard network performance metrics to be complied with by service providers across the board.

With the rapid advancement of technology and the increasing reliance on digital communication, the new measures are perfectly timed. In this article, our Associates Abdurrahman Nasir Salis, IyanuOluwa Adeyemo and Victoria Akingbemila explore the key provisions and discuss how the legislations will play a vital role in ensuring that Nigeria's telecommunications infrastructure can sufficiently tackle the poor quality of service amongst other challenges bedevilling the communications industry.

Read here: Regulatory Innovations: Unpacking the Nigerian Communications Commission (Quality of Service) Regulations, 2024 and Quality of Service Business Rules, 2024

GElias Telecommunications NigerianCommunicationsCommission QualityOfService TelecomRegulations2024 ServiceProviders DigitalCommunication NetworkPerformance TechnologyAdvancement Nigeria


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