

Publication: The Corporate Tax Planning Law Review, Fourth Edition

Our Partner Stephen Chima Arubike, Senior Associate Marian Asuenimhen, and Associate Eberechukwu Benjamin-Akaogu contributed to the Nigerian Chapter of the 4th edition of the Corporate Tax Planning Law Review, 2022 published by The Law Reviews (TLR), with other tax experts from 18 jurisdictions. This publication will serve as a guide in navigating through the multifaceted, and mostly unfamiliar, landscape of the Nigerian tax system.

In this edition, we considered the recent developments in the Nigerian tax terrain (including the amendments to several tax statutes by the Finance Act 2021) and their impacts on both local and multinational corporate entities from a tax planning perspective. We also examined recent key decisions of the Nigerian courts and the tax tribunal on tax disputes, which also shape the country’s tax environment.

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#GElias #Tax #Amendments #Lawfirm #Income #IncomeTax #PersonalIncomeTax #Tribunal #Finance #Nigeria #Law #Constitution


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