

Publication: Who Should Regulate Franchising in Nigeria?

In January 2023, the Senate passed the Franchising Regulation Bill, 2022, establishing a framework for the regulation of Franchising in Nigeria. Although not yet law, the Bill designates the National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion (“NOTAP”) as the agency responsible for enforcing its provisions. However, the suitability of NOTAP as the regulator of choice in the Bill is a matter of debate. While NOTAP has a clear interest in regulating certain aspects of franchising, there are concerns about whether NOTAP is well-suited to enforce franchising regulations.
In this article, Eberechukwu Ezike and Chima Uzochukwu-Obi assess the suitability of NOTAP as the regulator of choice in the Bill vis-à-vis other agencies with similarly strong regulatory interests in franchising.

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