

Publication: The US/Nigeria ‘Open Skies’ Air Transport Agreement: An Appraisal

The United States of America (the “US”) and Nigeria on May 13, 2024, announced that they have begun in earnest the implementation of the US/Nigeria ‘Open Skies’ Air Transport Agreement (the “Agreement”). Elements of the Agreement had been provisionally and sporadically applied since it was signed over two decades ago in August 2000. The Agreement which seeks to establish a modern civil aviation relationship between the US and Nigeria sets the stage for expanded air travel between the two nations. It aims to promote increased connectivity, tourism, safety, and trade.

Our Associates, Taiye Adegoke, Somtochukwu .S. Anekwe, and Oluomachi Agbazuere in this article examine the contents of the Agreement and its social impact, and concludes with recommendations.

Read here - The US/Nigeria ‘Open Skies’ Air Transport Agreement: An Appraisal

GElias Agreement AirTransport Aviation USNigeria Collaboration Relations Partnership Safety Tourism Trade Travel Innovation


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