

Publication: Real Estate Investment Schemes (REIS) in Nigeria: A Regimentation and Underperformance

Despite significant opportunities for investors in the housing deficit crisis that is on the rise in Nigeria and the existence of a regimented Real Estate Investment Scheme (“REIS”) aimed at allowing investors to invest and earn dividends from real estate assets indirectly, investors are yet to fully explore and optimize REIS.

In this article, our Senior Associate, Kuburat Abubakar and Associates, Abdurrahman Nasir Salis and Uchenna Ezeagu have amongst other interesting concepts expounded on the nature and constitution of REIS under Nigerian law, the statutory reliefs and incentives the REIS enjoys, foreseeable reasons behind its underperformance and recommendations.

Read here: Real Estate Investment Schemes (REIS) in Nigeria: A Regimentation and Underperformance

GElias RealEstate Investment Nigeria REIS HousingDeficit Opportunities Property RealEstateLaw Schemes EconomicGrowth RealEstateMarket NigerianLaw FinancialIncentives


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