

Publication: The “New Economy” - An Overview of the First Half of 2024

In the past few months, we have witnessed several significant regulatory and business developments that have shaped Nigeria’s “new economy,” which includes the telecommunications, technology, and financial services industries. From the enactment of revised guidelines for international money transfer operators to the introduction by the SEC of a framework on the Accelerated Regulatory Incubation Program for the onboarding of Virtual Assets Service Providers (VASPs) to the suspension of the cybercrime levy, the year 2024 is already proving to be an exciting year of growth and innovation in these industries.

In this edition of our newsletter, we review the significant developments that have shaped or are shaping Nigeria’s “new economy” in the first half of 2024.

Read here: The “New Economy”: An Overview of the First Half of 2024

NewEconomy Tech Finance Telecom Regulations Innovation Business Newsletter


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