

Publication: Single Membership Innovation is for all Private Companies: A Review of Decision in Primetech Designs & Engineering Nig. Ltd. et al. v. Corporate Affairs Commission

In a novel judicial move, the Federal High Court, Abuja on July 30, 2024, delivered a landmark decision in Suit No. FHC/ABJ/CS/665/2023- Primetech Designs et al. v. Corporate Affairs Commission which heralded a new dawn for private companies incorporated in Nigeria. In the decision, the Court recognized the right of all private companies incorporated in Nigeria whether pre or post-Companies and Allied Matters Act 2020 (“CAMA 2020”) to transition to a single membership structure and continue to exist with one member, as if such private company was incorporated under CAMA 2020.

In this article, our Partner Abubakar Anafi, Associates Abdurrahman Nasir Salis and Ifenna Okeke highlight the key aspects of the decision and its impact on the corporate landscape in Nigeria.

Read here: Single Membership Innovation is for all Private Companies: A Review of Decision in Primetech Designs & Engineering Nig. Ltd. et al. v. Corporate Affairs Commission

GElias FederalHighCourt Court Law Judgment CAMA2020 NigerianLaw CorporateLaw Legal BusinessLaw JudicialPrecedent CorporateAffairs LegalInsights CorporateGovernance


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