

Publication: Lexology Panoramic: M&A Litigation 2024 - Nigeria Chapter

Our Partner, Abubakar Anafi and Associates, Kanzullahi Hibatullahi, Shukurat Oladejo and Precious Ayo contributed to the Nigerian chapter of the Panoramic: M&A Litigation 2024 (formerly Getting the Deal Through) published by Lexology, with other experts from 7 jurisdictions.

The Panoramic guide contains a side-by-side comparison of local insights into M&A litigation, including types of shareholder claim; class or collective actions; derivative litigation; interim relief and early dismissal; claims against third-party advisers or counterparties; limitations on claims; standards of liability; legal restrictions on indemnities; challenges to particular clauses or terms; pre-litigation tools and procedure; the role of directors’ and officers’ insurance; forum and discovery considerations; damages and settlements; directors’ duties regarding unsolicited or unwanted M&A proposals; types of counterparty claim; and recent trends.

GElias Lexology LegalExperts Corporate Law ClassActions Derivatives Legal CorporateGovernance Litigation GlobalInsights Publication


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