

Publication: Intellectual Property in the Blue Economy

The world's oceans have long been a source of awe and wonder, providing vast opportunities for economic development. From sustainable fisheries to renewable energy initiatives and marine biotechnology, the blue economy represents a frontier of innovation and growth. At the heart of this burgeoning field lies intellectual property (IP), a crucial yet often overlooked aspect that shapes how we harness and protect the wealth of resources beneath the waves.

This article delves into the multifaceted realm of how intellectual property operates in the blue economy, exploring how legal frameworks influence innovation, conservation efforts, and international cooperation. We aim to illuminate this critical intersection's complexities and opportunities by examining case studies, emerging trends, and regulatory challenges.

Read here: Intellectual Property in the Blue Economy

GElias IntellectualProperty BlueEconomy SustainableDevelopment Marine Innovation RenewableEnergy Conservation shtagIPLaw Innovation EconomicGrowth LegalFrameworks International Regulatory Challenges CaseStudies EmergingTrends


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