

Publication: Guardians of Innovation: The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals

In the biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors, there has been a significant rise in the development of technology, creating a pressing need for the protection of innovation. This ensures that inventors can reap both financial rewards and moral recognition for their contributions.

In this article, Chioma Egboh-Nwachukwu, Kanyinsola Olukokun and Hakeemah Ishola discuss the relationship between cutting-edge research and the safeguarding of intellectual assets. The article highlights the relevant IP rights in these sectors and explains how they serve as the cornerstone for protecting discoveries. It also explores the challenges inherent in the IP landscape within these sectors and proposes actionable recommendations to address these challenges, fostering a conducive environment for continued innovation and advancement.

Read here - Guardians of Innovation: The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Biotechnology and Pharmaceuticals

GElias Biotechnology Pharmaceuticals Innovation Protection IPRights IntellectualProperty Research Development Challenges Patents Policy


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