

Publication: Copyright in Audiovisual Works and Performers' Rights in Nigeria: A Clash rather than Connection?

The Copyright Act, 2022 (the “Copyright Act”) which was recently enacted into law on March 17, 2023, introduced a new category of work eligible for copyright; namely audiovisual works, which replaced the former category of cinematograph films under the repealed Copyright Act, 2004. While the protection of audiovisual works is applaudable, there exists some controversies on copyright in audiovisual works as it relates to performance and performers’ rights under the Copyright Act; especially the issue of ownership over audiovisual works in which a performance is fixated without the authorization of the performer.
In this article, our Associate Larry Nkwor analyses the connection and clashes between copyright in audiovisual works and performers’ rights, the limitations of copyright in audiovisual works vis a vis performers’ rights, and the extent to which protection is afforded to performers under the Copyright Act.

Read here -

#GElias #Copyrights #Audiovisual #RuleofLaw


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