

Publication: Trademark Infringement and Unfair Competition Issues in Advertising

In the ever-evolving world of commerce, the intricate relationship among advertising, trademark protection, and fair competition holds profound significance. Trademarks play a crucial role in advertising as they aid the distinction of goods and services. Advertising that employs illegal tactics and practices in order to gain undue advantage over competitors, or which resorts to the use of a registered trademark without the consent of the proprietor in a manner that is misleading, triggers concerns on unfair competition and trademark infringement. 
In this article our Associates, Favour Ogini and Ayomide Abiodun provide a comprehensive analysis of trademark infringement and unfair competition issues in relation to advertising in Nigeria. This article provides valuable insights for businesses and advertising practitioners on how to navigate potential legal risks associated with effective advertising and brand management.
Read here -

#GElias #IP #IntellectualProperty #IntellectualPropertyLaw #Advertisement #Competition #Copyrights #TrademarkProtection #Infringement


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